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leelapops | 18:50 Wed 21st Nov 2007 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
Just to see if my avatar will work! Well, isn't this different then! How are you all this miserable, wet Wednesday? x


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Hi leela - Trying my best to get the hang of this lol!!
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skyep I know it's all a bit different isn't it! But on the plus side, everyone can see my Jack-dog now :) x
am i missing something here???
-- answer removed --
This is a bit good aint it? Tad confusing though, it took me a while to work out how to upload a pic :-)
leela - Your dog is beautiful!
Knobby - Are you able to read your replys yet?
dont have a scooby what yous are all talking about???? just come on, and think i will just quietly go off again lol
No I don't know whats happening either. I have a horrid grey figure thing representing me! How to I put a pic on there?
andi you know more than me?? everything looks the same to me???
very confused!!!!
Go to the home page and you can access the new format xxx
Scroll to the bottom of the page lol xx
Click home.
hussy if you go to the main AB page then you can choose whether you view the old or the new AB

Andi, to upload a pic you need to edit your profile in "My Profile" in the top left corner
ok girls here goes!!!! xxx
Question Author
Hello everyone again! skyep what a lovely thing to say thank you :) I'll tell him!

hussy did you find us again?!


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