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what program to use for opening digital photos

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SUZY R | 11:13 Thu 21st Oct 2004 | Technology
3 Answers

i have adobe photoshop 5 ~  which opens my digital photos.  apart from the sizing and lightening of some of the pics i probably do not use a tenth of it ~  my problem is now that version 5 is now technically old! they are on version 8 at adobe.  now, do i pay for the latest or does anyone know of a better alternative



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I have found the free download of Kodak "Easyshare" software to be good. Go to 50&pq-locale=en_GB
If u want a really fast stripped down image viewer with resizing, resampling, text insertion etc....u could do well looking at a piece of freeware called Irfan View....its fab.... IMHO a must have for anyone with a digital camera....its so fast and basic and offers lots of options regarding sizing and color depth .....without going overboard.....have a look and see if it for it.....Good luck.
If you're only using a tenth of the power of PS5 (probably a hundredth), then why would you need to upgrade to a whole new set of features that you won't use? If you're happy with what you've got, and it does what you want, then stay with it. The later versions of PS would probably help you with printing, as the optioins for this are much improved, and the text handling is also much improved from v.5. If it's a legitimate version that you have, then you should be able to get an upgrade price, rather than having to splash out the full cost of a new package. Alternatively, you should look at Paintshop Pro. This is a far cheaper option than PS, and is actually superior in some areas. You can find out about it at

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