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Miss Random!

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leelapops | 23:32 Wed 12th Dec 2007 | ChatterBank
3 Answers
Hi love, tried to PM you back and each time the "string/binary error" message has come up...ARGH! I've saved it tho-please don't think I am ignoring you! Hope all is well with you :) Xx


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Hi leelapops,
I've been having the same problem... duh, it's so frustating isn't it!

If you go into Sports AB you will be able to pick up my message to you, and we will, hopefully, be able to communicate.

Thank you for trying though, big hugs,
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Ah Missy thank you :) Re-read my original post here ^^^ and realised I may sound a little stalkerish! Sorry!

Tried every channel to get my reply to you-hitting "Reply" on your message, starting a whole new one, using the Beta link, going to Sports Bank....Nothing works :(

Fingers crossed AB gets a shakeup tonight. I am experiencing the whole head against brick wall sensation right now! Xx
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Missy-thank you for your other PM :) xx

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Miss Random!

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