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LOZZER1 | 00:43 Thu 13th Dec 2007 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
Getting a Black and white Male springer spaniel tomorrow, and i want a really great name for him..any ideas


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lozzer , i used to have a springer , had to put him down but he was georgous - ooo luck you

heres some names

bailey, bo , barney , marley , gordon, sooty , leo , sparky , leonard,

alfie, charlie, romeo xx
Hello, Loz. I like alliteration so I'll suggest 'Sam':
Springer Spaniel Sam I am
bracken ?
How about Wily?
My friend's springer is called Barney,he's as mad as a hatter,and the name really suits him !!
'black and white' what about domino!

...wonder if he will like pizza???
You could call him Minstrel,

as in Black and white Minstrel if you remember them.

I used to ride a black and white horse called Minstrel , its a lovely name for an animal
I love the name Chester cos that was my old dog, but not much to do with black and white, he was a Boxer but he used to spring about a lot! What about Zeb (ra)or Tramp(oline) or Matt(ress) if it's the spring thing you were after, or if it's a good name, my friend had a brilliant labrador called Alan.
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Apparently Dominos are the 'can't get for love nor money' present this year so Domino would be a good name.

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