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banjobabe | 17:33 Fri 14th Dec 2007 | ChatterBank
2 Answers
I tried to reply to your pm but beta is having another moment lol

I'm not ignoring you honest!

Will not be on over weekend as I have a least a million things to do.

Have a lovely weekend and hope to catch up on Monday.

BB xx


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icey will be on later she just sent me a pm
you have a lovely weekend as well banjo

have a good une

Hi Bjb - and thanks Hussy! Just had a right to-do! Was helping to string lights round our big old holly tree - but caught my hair in the hedge at the side of it. Had to yell for someone to come out and rescue me! Now I'm frozen, so the other half's making me a Tia Maria coffee with fresh cream on top. Mmmm..

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