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A friend of mine has bodylice!

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o-sexy-one | 19:31 Mon 17th Dec 2007 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
Do any of you know a cure for this?


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Stop sleeping with him/her and maybe they won't get reinfected.
Question Author
This place is full of green eyed monsters! What did I do to warrant that reply? Looking good is obviously a crime now!
Well i'm presuming your friend has been to the docs and got some sort of jollop to help eliminate 'em? If so, tell 'em to go pronto!

You'll also need to tell ya friend to wash, as in boil wash, any clothing and bedding they've been wearing/sleeping in, and infact any material they've had contact with.

Also, not that oyu'll need telling this- but avoid close contact with him/her till it's cleared.

Boo goes out the thread itching now..........
How about some proof ? Can you prove that the piccie is yours ? You look very good, but could you please post a confirmatory second picce ? Thanks in advance.
Question Author
Thanks B00 for the advice. Should I stop sleeping with them then? Could I catch it too???
^^^ Hope that Helped
No not that one lol !!!! The one above it.
Ok, now im thinking this is a pi$$ take, i'm so bloody glad I took the time to reply to it, that'll be several seconds of my life i'll not get back again.

If your last question was serious, I am really worried about your sanity're seriously asking if you should stop sleeping with them??? For petes sake!
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Bad timing there bodylice. How conveinient your name appears when i mention my friends problem. I'm glad that you find his predicament amusing!
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B00, you don't understand. He's fit! I can take a bit of itchy scratchy behavior.
Well if he's "fit", go for it then.
Question Author
Are there tablets to take to get rid of this problem? Obviously I should take precautions incase I should catch it.

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A friend of mine has bodylice!

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