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Talking About Calendars

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stewey | 16:21 Tue 01st Jan 2008 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
When are we going to stop saying 'two thousand' as in two thousand and eight? When will it become common to say the year prefaced with 'twenty' and not 'two thousand'?..............I predict 2010.


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What two thousand and ten? :D
yes 2010 does sound right 208 would be how it should write, as we don;t usually use the 0 for single digits, you are thinking very deeply for this early in the new year!!!
twenty ten sounds soooooooo much further away than two thousand and ten lol
I think so. At the moment it would have to be twenty -oh-eight, three words. As soon as it becomes two words, twenty-ten, would probably be the time.
Question Author
Let's extend this a little further. After 2099, will we say 'two thousand one hundred' or 'twenty one hundred'? Everyone vote on a piece of paper and we'll count the votes when applicable:)
Well I dunno 'bout you stewey but in 2099 I won't be saying owt- i'll be pushing up daisies by then.
dunno but im worried sick now
Question Author
Aawhh; relax. Bob. Don't you like dates?
no i always get stood up
Poor bob.

You alright stewey? Thank you for making me think about this and therefore putting it there for me to notice and ponder on. As if I didn't have enough useless thoughts knocking around! ;c)
Question Author
Awright, China. Something else for you to ponder. Why do we say "I woke up when my alarm clock went off"? It didn't go 'off'; it went 'on'.............that's how come you could hear it.
Oh you utter bar stweard.. I actually think about that kind of thing!
It's because it's relating to sound isn't it? A sudden sound... so like a firework goes off too but you couldn't turn a firework on.

(I did say I thought about these things)
Question Author
Awright then; why does your nose run and your feet smell?
I don't think I like you anymore.

(And my feet don't smell thank you very much).
Question Author
China, I didn't mean 'your' as in specifically 'your'; I meant 'your' as in general 'your'.. Your know what I mean......Now, come on, like me again:)
Well it would be most unladylike of me to refuse an offer like that.

(Is that ^^^flirting or politeness? I get so confused!)

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