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leelapops | 18:16 Sat 05th Jan 2008 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
I saw your post from last night (?) nd I wondered if you were OK. There's every possibility you are still sleeping, but you hadn't answered the final post, and I just wanted to check everything was OK either way.

Lisa x


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I took an all day nap! lol Thanks for your concerns. Everything has "arrived" ok this morning! :O)

Phew.....the relief! Thanks everyone who answered my ramblings last night too. xxx
I am glad for you -although it has maybe made you re-assess your life -hey we all need a scare like that to.

Look forward to hearing that you are gonna have the guts to make your 'best pal' more than that -lol

Have a happy evening hun x
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Sigh of relief for you ~max~!

It sounds like it goes a bit deeper than just the scare, so I hope the life you want is there waiting for you to take it!
From what Drisgirl has said, I am figuring you've posted on your original thread after all...

I am just off to check it out! :) x
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Oh, PS...
I bet you have never been so glad to see the arrival of your "time"! I was a day late (so came on today) and it's always a good, if painful, feeling!

Oddly, when I hadn't long moved down to where we are now, I had odd stomach pains, and visited the doctor. She asked me to do a test, just in case, and even though I don't want kids all that much (and certainly not right now!) and I am not particularly maternal, I still felt a little kick of disappointment when it was found to be negative. Makes you wonder about your subconscious!

Take care x
Missed last night post but glad to hear your ok max xXx

gonna go for a nosey now to see what it was.......
Yayyy Max!!! You out of the woods ;-)
Glad 'your friend' visited and things are back to normal. xx
Thanks everyone! I'm very relieved, after panicking so much last night. I swear I'm going to be a lot more careful from now on, don't want to go through this again! :O)
Just read the title but not the replies....

Max really glad you are ok sweet n chin up xxx is it still the same 'best friend'?
Hey max i'm glad everything turned out well for you. Take care xx
Great news max, put a cork in it in future, if you run out of corks get to the chemist first thing in the morning after the night before.. :-)

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