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daneswalk | 12:04 Sun 20th Jan 2008 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
as was said before there is a lot of sad people on this site


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this is a wee happy peep <:-)
I'm happy!!
It's Sunday!!
Morning, In what way do you mean sad daneswalk? I am seriously thinking that people who come on to simply goad and rattle people are quite sad and pathetic, but there are also people on here that are amazing and we should really try harder to ignore the creepy people and just get along better without their interference
me happy me happy
if i was sad i wouldnt be here
if i want to argue i do it with me

Hi Dot. How are you feeling today? That was a vicious attack on you last night- it quite shocked me, and I'm not easily shocked. Hope you're ok sweetie.
Morning, i'm not sad, i'm very level headed and i would like to wish you all, a lovely day, i still can not work out though why some folk ignore me when i speak to them, hugs megan. xx
Hi there daneswalk , I too am one of the happy ones this fine morning :-) x
morning Bathsheba, not had a lot of sleep due to grandson being upset in the night, i think his PS2 Star Wars game must have got his brain overactive and he had a nightmare!!
It is really wet and gloomy here but my kids are all in and out in and out today, ones gone to the football, Old Trafford I think, another went canping up in Ingleton with his mates since yesterday and just turned up bakc filthy and frozen and soaking wet!!!! so his stuff needs to go in the machine and my daughter is seemingly getting along better, she has had a very bad time but it looks like she is starting to improve.

That's the real world, now about this site...... not enough trivia and too many people wanting to get noticed!!!!!!!!!!
Glad to hear you're ok Dot. Why don't you pop into 'put a bob in the meter' thread and post some happy memories?It's a great topic, and we're trying to get the answers up to 300!
Good to see your daughter is recovering -it'll take a wee while but at least its a start.I'm off flat hunting with J today so hopefully that'll give her something to focus on.

Im happy today -but sad deep down inside.That'll pass but I hope the happy facade stays with me today.

His megan -hun xx
cheers Dris, she has still not had an appointment through from the bereavement counselling place though they have chatted on the phone to make an initial assessment, it should come thru this next week, they visit her at home and so probably it is similar to the CPN service they used to have, I had to have a CPN visit after my youngest son was born as i had post-natal depression, though his Nan died when he was 6 weeks old and I always felt it was more post-bereavement depression then too!!! certainly the CPN had me dwell more on that aspect than my own situation.
My daughter has a 3 bed house she rents and it is far more value than getting a flat, most flats here are owned by property developers who have a high turnover of tenants and so there is no care or friendship in conversions like those.
Morning Dris, hope you have a good day my love, see you later, hugs megan. xxxxx
I really expected Dris to reply with 'if you don't like it, don't post here'

Maybe it's double-standards, or maybe it's just me she doesn't like? lol ;-)

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