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my cat..

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FKNelectro | 22:15 Mon 28th Jan 2008 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
is really starting to annoy me, he keeps jumping up on me, and nudging my hands.


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Awww thats so cute! Mine jumps on the keyboard at every opportunity.
it's called affection. take it for the comlement that it is, and make a fuss of him
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mine too, and types stuff on IM
normally its just
but he manages to press enter =]
He can spell then! Lol
I use that word every day! Lol
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yup, thats his favourite word =]
its just being a cat, its probably after something when it gets it it will go back to its cat like ways ie showing its a.r.s.e constantly, spitting and hissing and going out to maim some dumb small animal before leaving it to die on your doorstep
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haha, my cat never leaves anything alive =[
we always find the back ends of mice in our gardens, he seems to like the head and front legs. Luckly for me, he doesnt bring dead mice in the the house
The small dumb animals are usually still alive when they are brought in the house Bob. Guess who has the job of rescuing them from the jaws of death?!!
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my cats more like satan. i should have named him lucifer.
Aww it's because he wants to be stroked. That is sooo cute! :)
they are dripping with evil cats the only animal that kills for pleasure that says it all really, i love animals but i cannot find it in me to have any affection for a cat
Mine wakes me up every morning, and not even for want of food...She just crawls near my face and start licking my eyelids, head butting me, and also, which I find REALLY off-putting...she seems to just stick her nose against my cheek and slobber!!!! yuk yuk yuk!!!! lol
I've NO idea why she would do that, as none of my previous cats did. There's no stopping her though, apart from actually locking her out of the bedroom.
My eldest cat (18) is more like a dog, if I go out he sits in the window and when I return in the car he comes out to greet me, he wags his tail and when I put my bags down he puts his head in the bag and gets very excited. This is because when I do my Friday big shop I always buy him some prawns so he associates bags with prawns. He also waits very patiently outside my bedroom door every morning but he goes and sits outside the bathroom knowing that is the first place I go before going down stairs and feeding him. He is now fast asleep by my side, in fact he is taking up most of the chair and I am perched on the edge.

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