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Weekend plans?

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4GS | 15:40 Fri 01st Feb 2008 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
This weekend we're staying with Mrs 4GS's parents.
Last week my father in law asked if I wanted to go shooting with him as he's got a spare shotgun, which surprised me as he's usually threatening to shoot me!! His friend is a farmer and shoots clay pigeons and asked dad-in-law if he knew anyone who wanted to come along so he asked me.

What plans have ABers got for the w/e?


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I'm going for a meal with my parents and my brother this evening. Nothing Saturday and then hopefully Sweeney Todd on Sunday with me bro.
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Can you do a review on Monday Tiggerrrrrrrrrrr?
I fancy watching that meself ;-))
Hi 4GS - Lie in tomorrow, well, till about 9.00ish Going for a meal on Sunday for my sons 20th birthday! Have you used a gun before?

staying in when i finish work

no plans play it by ear

depends on weather

hi 4gs

doing your shooting fools and horses style
have fun
lv monty xxxxx
Lol skyep , 4GS is most likely well trained with a variety of firearms . I intend to stay indoors unless the weather improves john :-0 xxxxx
Will do 4GS :-)
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Yeah, but not the double barrel type shotgun, I used the Remington pump action in the Army, nearly put my shoulder out, it had a kick like a thousand mules,
Forgot your ex army 4GS xxx
I'm being cuppid tomorrow and going uptown and hopefully getting to people together and Sunday I;m seeing Jared Leto!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hope the weathers milder for your weekend 4GS, enjoy yourself.
Hi, 4GS. Just don't stand in front of him. :o)

I'm off up to see the fella and we're supposed to be going to his mate's house warming party, but I'm not too keen. Anyway, have a good one! x
I am getting the house rewired tomorrow daytime (and probably Sunday aswell) so that will mean lots of nice mess to clear up, and at some point I will escape to do some pram shopping :-)

Oh, and going dog racing tomorrow night for a friend's Birthday. haven't been for ages so should be a good night (but bloody cold).

Hope you all have good weekends, 4GS, prob ably best if you stay BEHIND you father in law when he has a gun in his hand :-)
Sounds posh pigeon shooting!
I have nothing special planned except a little retail therapy tomorrow with my friend.

Have a nice weekend everyone, chill.
We are off to my parents tonight, Im pampering my mum who turned 60 yesterday, and doing her hair ready for our big family meal out tomorrow night (only 19 of us!) Apart from that, I plan on resting because a late night tonight and tomorrow night will certainly take its toll on me!

Have a good time shooting, but you might want to sneakily take the bullets out of your father in laws gun? lol

natalie, I used to have a retired greyhound and got an insight as to how the dogs were treated. Not all are treated them same, I know, but so many and its enough to stop me ever going to a dog race.
Hi John, I am having a quiet night tonight (hopefully if my neighbour's keep the noise down) then I am off out tomorrow night with my best mate who usually gets me very drunk and makes me do daft things, she's a terrible influence on me. I have to be up to pick my son up from his grandparents on Sunday before they go to church though so no real lie in for me. Then my son's dad is taking him for the afternoon so I might go back to bed then :)
Be careful shooting this weekend, my brother's colleague had an accident doing that and might have done some long term damage to his eye.
Hi John -have an ace time -very bracing weather for the hill -better you than me -lol (Scotland?)

Im continuing with the Golden Wedding celebrations with the house party with all Mum and Dads brothers and sisters and friends coming for a buffet and blether-thankfully Golden Weddings only come round once -im exhausted!!! BTW -beware if my keyboard appears wonky tomorrow night -you were warned -lol

Strange to think you could potentially have 2 Silver Weddings -which in themselves are an achievement- in your lifetime.I would have had one well bagged 3yrs ago but im on number 2 -10yrs in -could just about manage another one potentially if I was stupid enough -lol one

Sunday -another viewer for the house -*yawn* -means lashing things in washing baskets and in cupboards yet again and the dreaded H' word (hoover) -lol
Going to Trafford Centre tomorrow and out for a meal in the evening, thats about it really

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