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I want Bob trivia

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thumbalina | 21:28 Fri 01st Feb 2008 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
Others are good but his is still the best :) x


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dot seriously, i'm trying to help you now, the reason bob's trivia is the best is because you can tell he just thinks up stuff off the top of his head, yours come across as being thought about for slightly too long, bob's have that exciting air of randomness and are quite bonkers, trivia really is best when it's fast and furious!
Have to agree, bob's level of trivia is superlative. we need to see more of his work!!!

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Yes yes Helliebobs that is what i mean, i imagine what pops into his head he types! you explain it much better i can just picture you as a trivia trainer :) x
Bob is the Trivia Whisperer
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Awww you see thumbalina, bob once sent me some trivia and said he thought the questions up in a few minutes - you could tell: they were bloody genius :)
Lol cazzz , that's a good name . Actually , I just like trivia , I don't mind who posts it , it's all good.
err, nope, I typed mine as i thought and no real concentration of effort went into it at all!!! does this mean i am a trivia failure???? grrrrrrrrrr gutted
No they're not, they are awful.
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Whiffey I think you should have a go, you may like it and it may bring out a 'fun' side :)
can i add that bob tends to ask me random wierd questions by text which suggests he is actually building a trivia portfolio : ))
Thumbalina, I couldn't agree more. Bob's trivia is absolutely fantastic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!x
I like trivia too, but don't mind who asks the q's.


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I want Bob trivia

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