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the deed is done! the boss nearly fell of her chair! Whoopie!

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alinic | 16:09 Mon 04th Feb 2008 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
and i dont feel bad! Many many thanks for all your support on this!
4wks on Friday i finish!


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hi ali, brilliant what did they say? bet they thought you were part of the furniture, did they try to persuade you to stay?
....................better than any soaps - following your story......................congrats and very best of luck......:o)))
Good stuff m'dear. Take care of yourself.
What did I miss, should you have broken up with them using a post it - alinic.?
Well done ... had a good feeling that you were going to get the job !!!!
Its a lovely feeling to hand in your notice especially if you hated the job!
Well done ali.

Hope you'll be very happy at your next place of work.
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very shocked to say the least ray, but understand. Thanks again guys and girls!
You shouldve taken a camera and got a shot of the look on her face lol

I bet youre feeling relieved now its out of the way?
I wish I could make my boss fall off his chair. The feind!!!

Lol xx
ah good luck with it alinic and i hope they give you a good send-off !

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the deed is done! the boss nearly fell of her chair! Whoopie!

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