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Dreams (And now for something completely sensible!!)

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ceejay123 | 10:15 Mon 11th Feb 2008 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
The missus has just come down stairs 9am, and related a very confused dream she had. I apparently woke her when I got up at 0820. She went off to sleep again and had this dream.
What I want to know is if you can remember dreams?
Is there anyone out there who writes down the content of their dreams??
I cannot remember a single dream I have ever had!!
Can you? Should I write them down when I wake?


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while I don't write them down, I can usually remember most of my dreams and find them running parallel to life quite often.

for instance, I can remember dreaming of giving my phone number to someone, and realising, when I woke, that it was my actual number.

go figure !!
no write them down before you wake up, that way you wont forget what you dreamt about. :-)
I cannot remember my dreams in full, just vaguely.

I dream everynight. I can remember lots of them but not all, some i remember very clearly, some only snippets. Some make me fear for my sanity, others are serious and feel so real when i wake up. Sometimes that makes me sad other times i wish they were true ;-)

have you ever had a dream and you wake up crying because something bad happened and it takes you a little while to come back to reality?It feels so real for a while. thats a strange one, or a dream where some part of you is in pain and you can actually feel it when you wake up?

Am i just mad????
Once I dreamt, I was eating chococlate and when I woke up I looked everywhere for the chocolate as it seemed so real.

I think the worst is dreaming you're doing a wee and wake up with the bed wet!!!!!
why don't you get some nappies if you still wet the bed.

no wonder you're getting your own breakfast, logic.
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Don't let the thread degenerate into a slagging match, dreams are interesting (if you can remember them).
I said i couldn't remember dreams but I have to admit dreaming I was peeing and wet the bed!!
Drunk though!!
Why do we have dreams??
Is it to free the mind of thought leaving it free of clutter ready for the next day, I wonder??

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Dreams (And now for something completely sensible!!)

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