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Sonyme | 12:16 Mon 21st Jan 2008 | Quizzes & Puzzles
28 Answers
I have been stuck on this for more than a week now and closing date is getting near.


They are in upper case and in very faint type, and I think that this is significant as faint, bold, small, large and staggered type have been relevavt in other instances.
Can any one help on this?? Please1


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What about...............out with the old??
Question Author
A possible contender! thankyou for that.
No reference to the faint type nor to upper case but what about Foreign exchange (ex meaning former)
Question Author
That is the one that I tend to favour, but it still isn't making me think 'THAT'S IT!'
I'm interested to know what the answer was in the end. Do you know. A real puzzle that one!
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The four currencies were offset (which I couldn't get to show in the question as in the snakes and ladders one as well), and with one clue already with offsetting being relevant I didn't think this one would be..
The R in Lira, the A in Franc , the K in Mark and the first E in Peseta were aligned vertically to give RAKE and the answer was 'RAKE IN THE MONEY' And No! i didn;t win but came joint 5th with 120 out of possible 130
Thanks for that! Sorry you didn't get to win- one of these days. 5th is extremely respectable! Well done :-)
Keep trying. it sounds a hard puzzle to pick. What is it in?
All the best and good luck in the future!
Question Author
It was a local Arts Festival Council qiz, - 10 questions each on Sport,Geography, Entertainment, Arts and books, History,Food and drink, Science, Animal kingdom and General knowledge, 20 say what you see, 6 what comes next, 6 what do these initials stand for and some basic maths and 3 Sudoku.
Challenging and interesting. I will have a word with the secretary and suggest that if they do another that they allow more time and mention it on here. So who knows?

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