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Did I just read that correctly?

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Munkeeluvva | 03:07 Tue 19th Feb 2008 | ChatterBank
4 Answers
Bez has gone?

When did this happen?

Shame to lose her, never did me any unkind.

Anyone still in touch by other means, pass on my best wishes.:-(




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It's really sad that Bez has left. She mentioned she was leaving after being a victim of abuse on here some nights ago. Bez has been on here for a very long time. Way, way long long.
All the nice, pleasant people are leaving one by one, or hardly visit here anymore. What a shame ;-(
I didn't know either until something was mentioned on a thread. I'm going to email her, so I'll pass on everyone's regards. She was always lovely with me, and we swapped some nice letters.
Hi ice my love, would you please pass on my regards to Bez also thanks hun, have a good day, love megan. xxxx
pass mine on too plz

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