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Imposterererering ?

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flobbergob | 13:43 Wed 20th Feb 2008 | ChatterBank
57 Answers
How easy is it, could you do it ?

For example, I have spelled the question after the fashion of a certain poster on here - does that mean I AM him/her ?

If you wanted to hide the real you, how easy is it to post long-term in a way that is out of your real character ?

Could you manage to run say 3 entirely different characters in parallel ? (hint keep notes and be consistent. If caught out, lie brazenly, LOLs are invaluable in emergencies, PMSLs are a coward's way out)


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Very creepy!

I saw something you said to Wardy and also sort of guessed from your style of writing... and then hoped I wouldn't be embarrassed when I said hello. :)

And there's rugeleyboy in amongst that lot, too, whiffey!
So it is WS ! Looking at an atlas rather than googling or asking in News I see that Rugeley is just on the eastern edge of Cannock Chase. Site of the Hanratty murder wasn't it ?
All I can say is: Be careful who you chat to on here WS!

Ahh... the lovely W~M... Oh such happy days ;0)

Blimey - I wouldn't be very good at impostererering would I?!
I don't think you have to be careful who you chat to on here? Afterall I talk alot CD on 'ere and if that's not stupidity I dunno what is ;-)

The problem occurs when you then progress from chatting on here to MSN, then swapping phone numbers etc. Perhaps if more of us were discreet with that sort of information, no palavers would happen.

I still dunno who you are WP :-(
You're quite right BOO - that is exactly what happened. It was my shorthand... it went from here to msn to mobiles so I was STUPID STUPID STUPID :0(

Not that I'm ever stupid, you understand... Reet breet me... honest :-/

Think harder, woman!
Oh Gawd, do I haveta think?

Can't you make it simple for me by getting a profile on SportsBank and PMing me? LOL

(yes I'm that lazy!)
Boobies is really stupid actually... not only does she talk to me on MSN she also gave me her number... Foolish, foolish girl.
Yes, and now im bitterly regretting it- the girl keeps sending me very odd bizzare texts, constantly, at all times of the day and night.

I'm actually very very scared of her :-(
Easy tiger, you wouldn't want people on here thinking you protest too much and that we actually like each other...
Nar, no one's gonna fall for that one ;-)
Question Author
Would you like a cup of tea while you chatter away on this thread?
Heaven forbid! ;0)
Oh would you mind flobbergob, I've not had a coffee or a bacon sarnie since 4GS's thread this morning and the X files is on so it really would go down a treat.

Aye and hurry up flobbergob, New Adventures of Superman's just started and I could do with a coffee.

In the X files someone is ripping out peoples livers and getting in through closed doors... It's giving me ideas.
alternatively, come on as a drunk, wife-beating ex-patriot, who likes nothing better than to verbally threaten and terrorise women. An inferiority complex is a bonus, but not necessary, whereas a bottle of vodka is a necessary but not a bonus.

lol you got it yet B00??? hi WS, i got her straight the way! lol

I once did a question in another name because it was very personal and i am keeping that name in case i need to do it again sometime. Just the privacy thing for me.
I couldnt do it as a regular thing like i think some do. You have to take your hat off to em though lol
great name flobbergob

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