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Gill 05 | 21:00 Fri 22nd Feb 2008 | ChatterBank
29 Answers
If push came to shove, could you deliver someones baby?


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As a paramedic I've delivered two babies. One in the back of the ambulance at 80mph!! And the other one I caught as I walked in the room and saw mum standing above the porcelain throne! Close Call!!
80 miles an hour Andi? Im glad the doors did'nt fly open,it would have been like s scene from a Carry On Film. Mother and baby wooshing down the I reckon the other mum was in the right place:-))
Her response was unbelievable...she didn't want to mess on the carpet. Oh no, but risk harming your baby when it clatters down the pan, well thats ok then. Stupid tart!
Oh BM, How cruel stepping over all those poor Dads after all they went through..yeah! xx
You are kidding andi? I wonder if she changed when she got home with baby? Just imagine, pooh,sick,dribble. oh my:-))
Gill 05. I like your wording " If push came to shove" lol
In the neonatal intensive care we had a little one who had been pushed out at home down the loo .The poor mite was very ill although did get well and go home after being some time on a ventilator .
Delivered my neighbours baby at 5 am after the hospital sent her home the day before saying she would not have it for a few days. Have delivered loads of puppies, but none of the bitches have ever done a **** while giving birth, which is what my neighbour did! Held the baby sooooo carefully when it came out, but when the midwife arrived she took it off the mum and wrapped it up like fish and chips. Big old boiler she was (the midwife that is).

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