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bigmamma | 07:35 Mon 25th Feb 2008 | ChatterBank
39 Answers
Morning to you , another Monday and the start to another week , hope this finds you well :-) xxxxx


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We're total novices mamma! But, he's doing a good job! Think he's secretly really enjoying it. I'm going to plaster it up later, don't know how I can plaster, butI found I can! Saying that, it's not a wide area, just a small channel.
Had a fabulous time away!
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So pleased you had a great trip away skyep , thats fab .
You are clever to be able to do DIY , brave too . :-) xxxxxx
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morning all!

Its lovely and sunny here, dont care if its cold as Im inside all day and the sun is streaming through the windows

Little CRX is lazing in bed (anyone would think he was a teenager rather than a toddler) and wont get up yet apparently lol

Morning ABers,
It's a chilly, sunny day here in Northampton, the pretty weather girl on GMTV assures me that it's going to stay nice and warm this week
lol 4gs! apparently warm everywhere if sheltered but gale force winds by end of week! Nice eh?
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Morning Legend , redcrx , and 4GS .
Hope you are well redcrx .:-)
Taken in by the pretty weather girl eh john

Oh yeah, she's babelicious
Im good thanks BM, baby is lying diagonally though so Im starting to panic about c-sections etc. Seeing midwife Thursday though so will have a good chat with her.

And Im still craving sugar. diabetic stuff just isnt the same.
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Awww , poor lass , that's uncomfy , more uncomfy than usual that is. How many weeks are you now sweetie ?
Morning one and all, heave a great week all of you. xx
We met a crazy couple from Dundee who we spent our time with in the evening ( Neil & Bridie ) Neil had suffered 3 strokes, had his arm dragged in to a machine in a former work place & had some bad experiences! But, he was totally not one to feel sorry for himself & literally held two fingers up to the world! They have taken a few pics and are going to send them on to us.
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Hi there ray sweets , you have a good day too , though I hope not to heave I must add ;-) xxxxxxx
33 weeks today! Its all going by so much faster than the first time! Im in a complete panic about the new arrival and havnt got the energy to get things moved around the house to make room. silly eh? lol
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Not silly at all sweetie , you just go with how you are feeling love , it's ok . Your baby has time to turn again yet honey .
hiya bigmamma.
sunny and chilly here in mk. hope you have a good day.
just wondered any word from warpig yet?
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Hello jane honey , nice to see you , no word on warpig yet .
Morning BM,
Lovely sunny morning here,makes you feel so much better.
another busy day for you i see!
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Hello christine honey , my plumber hasn't arrived yet , I'm hoping to get out to pay some bills before I start to get tired for my afternoon nap .......exciting life isn't it

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