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So what is the best thing you have done in your life ?

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theonlyone | 19:50 Tue 26th Feb 2008 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
Just to lighten the mood after Beetledewz post ...
Mine is getting remarried to a lovely man who
looks after me and we are are partnership ..


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Awww that is really sweet Theonlyone. xxx

I got into the property market when I was 21 so I guess thats an achievement.
Marrying mrs sparx, she is a one off, a very special lady
I didn't mean it to be downbeat. Lol

My wonderful partner. I never thought I would meet a woman as perfect as her. I'm a lucky man.

She completes me and I couldn't imagine my world without her on my arm now.
thats nice babe after the hard times you had to put up with. xx
Mmmmm whats the best thing.... working my @ss off to look after my 2 beautiful brats.. i mean kids cause nobody else would and i take great pride in them being happy and have everything they want and need. so from being spoilt and selfish i turned it around and became a very nice mummy.
Reuniting my terminally ill dad with his children from his first marriage. My mum and sister didn't approve and my relationship with the latter is over. But I have the memory of my dads face when they came to see him. He was overjoyed at seeing them and that finally they could acknowledge him as their real father.

No regrets .... the best thing I have ever done.
Having my children and meeting my fiance, he is a really sweet and caring guy, and i just love him to bits, can't wait until i marry him. :)

I'm glad you've found someone good theonlyone xx
You guys seem lucky to have found the love of your lives. x

Rabbity - that was a very beautiful thing you did. xxx

tigger sulks off to feel sorry for herself
I know tigger and i count my blessings everyday. I didn't meet him until about 2 & half years ago, so did spend quite a bit of time on my own or in pointless relationships.

I had to kiss a lot of frogs first lol
still being alive.
Having my wonderful son
Moving to the country and having two good boys! and being independant at 15 and getting where i am now

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