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leelapops | 16:05 Sun 16th Mar 2008 | ChatterBank
45 Answers
How are you? Lovely to see you back x


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Thanks bigmamma
Where ya bin today? We have all missed you. x
Hi sweetie , my neice and nephew came up from London and we went out to lunch , I'm not long back home , had a lovely time as I hadn't seen them for just over a year.
Is AB slow as it's taken me ages to get this page back up ?
Lovely to see you , you take care hun :-) xxxxx
If you want, and only of you want to, weeal is going to pass on my email address to you via Sports AB as I cannot access it at all.
Did you have a nice meal then. Lovely to see family after all that time.
Glad you managed to get out for a while. xx
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cruella, that is very kind and I would love to! Also means I have weeal as a friend, which is an honour in itself ;) Thank you hun, I will be in touch.

Girls, that was a lovely thread yesterday. I tried to get back on in the evening, but AB was SO slow, I gave up in the end & watched "Lost" instead (is that a weird programme, or what??). Nice to hear from you all and glad to hear you're all OK. Love, K xxx

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