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what film

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sleepyj | 14:27 Tue 18th Mar 2008 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
what was the last film you watched was it any good ? i went to see 10000 bc at weekend .really enjoyed it


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At the Cinema ws I Legend.. Was ok.ish
Last film from blockbuster was Disturbia that was ok ish too.
Last film on TV..Elizebeth ..however didnt manage to watch all off it as was falling asleep.

I am saving going to the cinema until Indiana Jones comes out in May.
Last one I saw was Control on dvd and I loved it but not to everyone's taste, especially if you don't like the music.
I really want to see the Elizabeth Golden Age thingie but i don't get as much time to watch films as I'd like these days :(
watched dukes of hazard sat night, well it was on the tv whislt i got bored so read instead!
It was on Flim 4 I think (sat) & I missed the start of the Film4 so had to watch the Film 4 +1...however I couldnt resist flicking over & did see the end. Must watch it all tho. Cate B is very good.
watched eagle vs shark on dvd last weekend, very witty and alternative, enjoyed it.
watched stardust dvd other night - it okay - robert de niro best thing in it
Hey, sleepy. :)

I saw Untraceable last week. It wasn't bad, but worth watching if you're into the Saw films.

I'll probably be watching The Cottage tonight. :)
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i wiil wait till the cottage comes out on dvd ..
I just watched 'Crash' (racism one) again, and it was great.
Before that I saw 'Das Leben der Anderen' (The Lives of Others) and it is one of the best films I've seen, intelligent, interesting and thought provoking.
I am about to watch 'Stalker', russian drama, have high hopes for it.

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