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White Easter?

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potterfan3 | 12:16 Sat 22nd Mar 2008 | ChatterBank
18 Answers
IT'S SNOWING!!! (where I live at least, Leicestershire)


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Its not snowing in London but its bloomin freezing!
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hmmm it's stopped now...
hi potterfan anfd fellow leicester person! :-) I saw it, about 4 or 5 flakes but its gone now, the sun is shining instead! strange weather aint it?
I remember as a kid having snow on Easter. Hopefully not this year. It is cold and windy here in NYC.
Hi potterfan3 :o)

We've got snow here in Yorkshire! The sun is out now and it is all melting away but the wind is sooooooo cold!!! Not gonna venture outside for a few days now me thinks!!
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four or five flakes? You obviously didn't see it earlier, it looked like a blizzard! (only for like a minute though)
whoops, must have missed that LOL
HI sun still out here but its very cold, at home now, out of the way of the grudge football derby between Preston and Burnley
keeps sleeting here in east london - then sun comes out!!
hubby has said it is very cold tho, so I am staying indoors where it is lovely and warm lol
We awoke to a 4 inch blanket of snow this morning (Perthshire) -the sun has had its hat on though and its all disappearing.Turned out to be a really spring liike day here now..
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I got married on Good Friday in NYC....and we had a blizzard.....Relatives coming from the UK wound up in Boston and Washington DC-250 miles away!!...those were the days!

Keep missing you hun -how ya doing? (well I know we passed briefly last night before I was punted off here by H -lol).Must have been a bit bitter sweet for you yesterday -hope you are OK xx

I know what you mean about those were the days -its mad that I was suprised at 4 inches this morning -steady now -snow was what i meant and fine you know it -tee hee !!

I recall not that long ago snow at the side of the road in June left there when the sbocutter had to make a path for the plough and it was 10' drifts we were driving through -man I must have had nerves of steel then !!!
Lol Dris -Actually I didn't give it a thought!!! (I am evil!) ....hope YOU are ok,and holding up.Maybe we shall run into each other tonight,eh? xx
I'll no doubt be here unless H takes a huff and the tele is way too boring for him -lol

See ya later hun xx
I'll no doubt be here unless H takes a huff and the tele is way too boring for him -lol

See ya later hun xx

Oops meant to say im holding up remarkedly well -think I am just an auto moron now -lol

Its been a long shift -he died a week today but he doesnt get planted until Wednesday this week cos of Easter.Thats what pains me cos i know what the bairns are gonna have to endure -thats where their dad is -tough call -but hey such is life.One step close to them getting their wee lives on track -get the blasted trial out the road - then I will give them an almighty shove into the future -pending no more major eff ups that is.You couldnt make this up *rolls eyes*.

Anyway -hope to catch you later for the craic xxxx

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