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Amazing! Popped on this afternoon with...

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snow.maiden | 23:33 Mon 31st Mar 2008 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
the old monicker (thanks for any help Dris!) - and now it's off again!!!

What little things irritate you?


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going to work lol ?
-- answer removed --
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Lol - I bet a lot'd agree with you on that one!
All my socks developing holes in the toe at the same time....and realisng at 8am that I forgot to get milk the day before!!..
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Thanks for the input scorpious!
Thank goodness my partner in mirth's arrived. There's no one around!!!
Having a lie in on your day off - then hearing the dustbin lorry approaching.

Oh no - you haven't put the bin out.
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LOL! leave it???

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Amazing! Popped on this afternoon with...

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