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Drisgirl | 04:05 Wed 02nd Apr 2008 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
It only comes out in the late o clocks when I am on -which is VERY rarely.
I have a good idea who it is so therefore i am not participating yet again because of the abuse.

I could understand if it were someone who came on during the day but it pops up at night and hurls abuse and i for one cannot accept this at this moment in my life -sad b*****d.I dont even ineract with it

Liittle do they kow or do they cos its always my kids they get at an- man how sick is that.How low can you goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!

Walk a mile in my shoes eh?


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If anyone made untoward pops at my children, I'd report them - and not just on here.
Like you dris, I know people who can trace stuff back to the very computer that's being used - pinpointed very accurately.
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O I can assure ya webstar has been reported plus I have been on the phone to R to make sure I know how to retain all the posts -i couodnt do it but R did remotely as he can take over my PC-OUTED SADDO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If it is who I think it is then ........................

who is Webstar? that person is accesng to your pc?? must have got into your I.P address, or summut, u got your firewall switched on ?

Yes, ours can be controlled on vcn -is that the right thing? - and by other methods as well. I'll have to try and find you a good security device hun, and let you know.

If any posts are disturbing and harrassing, the person posting can be stopped. x
drisgirl which post u want to get rid? im sorry ppl have been cruel to u,

i was assused of summet etc but the following day it got removed, i assume alot of ppl reported it. but i never thought of reporting it! bt somehow it got removed :) so which ever post u wanna get rid let me knw.

your ISP should provide u Internet Security, and Firewall is very effective. i hope you have them, theres been a few occasion where i get a pop up message telling me who is trying to access to my IP -pc but my firewall rejects that ip whos trying to get into it! suckeers!! b:) night drisgirl sleep well xx
No firewall's foolproof though cuddleMe - although I have a professional system at work here, which is about the best you can get.
Don't worry about Dris. She knows what's what, and the sort of stuff she's been on about is beyond AB's help really. You can get people banned - ha! - but they just come back under another name, so it's best to ignore certain folk.
Anyway - there's a message for you on the "drinks" thread, but I have to get off for now. Hope you don't feel too bad when you get up again. Night hun - xx.
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Cheers peeps -this person has been reported BUT not before i phoned my son who has an Hons in Computing Science(not an expert an genius)and he remotely took over my PC and extracted all the posts and loads more stuff loads of figures and stuff but it will make sense to him -not jhe poor thick mum lol.

We have been waiting for this or Marvelman -the one who said I should be with my childrens father (dead BTW) how sick is that -yip my husband and my children saw it and thats when my son vowed he would track that person down.

I dont understand whyt they dont come on at any other time other than when I am on late -rarely -and they have a go at me and my kids.

I dont get it but if they are gettinga buzz -we're not cos we are devoud of emotion .

I dotn like the fact its someone who knows me -bailing out again eff this -what do you think we are through it?

You lost a parent -hmm?

You had to endure the **** I have hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm?

You had to SUPPORT yer kids through the most horrendous time -hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm?

You have to sit in court in 3wks time with yer kids for a trial hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm????????

Get thge ******* kicked off -if its not me its'll be somoen else.

I dont care anymore -you havent won sucker just jack off to somoene elses misery loser !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thought you'd gone Dris. Don't you worry - it's someone who thinks they're sitting pretty, and you can't do anything.

If this endorses things for you - I was the victim of a slight internet fraud not so long back. The person was traced to Amsterdam, and some personal details were sent even further afield, but we found out exactly who was doing in - in a very short space of time! This's one of the reasons why everything I put on here is monitored for security, and linked to 5 other computers - two of them in separate counties - so you can rest easy that this "person" can be found. Night hun - xxxx
Hi Dris, what the hell is up with some people? they must be sick, easy to say ignore it, but when it is aimed at your kids not so easy is it, you got loads of people on this site that are with you on this one lady. tale care of yourself Dris. speak to you soon. Ray xx
Drisgirl this is shocking. I've read some of your posts about the death of your ex husband, but I didn't know how to repy to you. I've been in Sportsbank and sent a friend's request to you. If you ever want to chat privately, please get in touch. Unfortunately I've been where you are now, but the abuse I got was from real life 'friends.' It's pure agony and runs deep. Please take care of yourself and your loved ones. It's those who matter, not spineless cretins.
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Thanks Ray and stonemonkey x Thanks for your kind offer stonemonkey -hope you are through it now -it dose rub salt into a raw wound -feel for ya x Despite what people say -its only pixels and thingh -its not- its a real person who's posting.As always Ray ta for being there for me x
I appreciate both your kindness.
Thing that really bugs me more than anything is I consciously dont post about it -well I did a few weeks back but that was something else that had happened -but those fools are the ones who keep posting about it and then my hackles get up and bang -I know I should just ignore but they know my achilles heel.sadly
webstar only comes on when I come on -its someone who knows me-that i'm certain-no one else gets the cr@p but me and Icey got some last night as well but thats unusual.
To think it could be someone I talk to and they are just twisted -gives me the creeps.

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