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4getmenot | 13:37 Wed 16th Apr 2008 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
Paper cut


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ouch !!!
oh my god 4get are you okay? you are bloody brave being able to post after getting a paper cut eeek

I found the first aid kit but the bandages I have wont be anywhere big enough!! I have called the paramedics and they are on their way.

Lie down and take deep breaths, hold your cut bit above your head and stay still and quiet til they get there

aww it kills doesnt it lol
-- answer removed --
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Think I've not got long left
Poor baby - take the rest of the month off. With triple pay. tell 'em I said so
OMG, makes my worrying about childbirth just look childish and silly!!

I hope youre OK and havnt fainted xx
If you see a tunnel walk away sweetheart!!!!!

Stay away from the light, I'll be right over

grabs med kit
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Just came round think mum needs to fill me up on lunch :-)
So, that'll be you wriggling out of doing the washing-up until it heals, eh............?

But on the downside, no salt and vinegar crisps, either .......!!
Question Author
thats a good side, eeeeuggh hate salt and vinegar
Kicks door open, rushes to 4gets side, looks at wound, puts dressing on wound

There 4get keep that elevated and you'll be fine

looks into 4gets eyes got to go, take care
leaves, closes door, rushes back to AB HQ
ooh at the salt and vinegar crisps, that would sting all the way up to your armpit :(
I cut my finger on cardboard trying to open my bloody flat pack furniture the other week! That hurted!
Why do little cuts always hurt more than big ones?
One of the most painful things on this scale is getting as hair in your skin! I was a hairdresser and it happened now and again! Now that is very painful indeed!
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Thanks 4GS you did well to get here with all that traffic, thumbs up to you /jpg/_38960691_knifehand203.jpg
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and yes unrulie ingrowing other peoples hair. eeeeeuggh

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