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omg the ******* have banned me

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rug muncher | 20:22 Thu 01st May 2008 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
when i try log in with gravitates name it says wrong username / password. why would they do this? i am ****** off


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-- answer removed --
Have all your posts been removed? If not maybe it's just an error.
Thats been happening to me now for weeks I can't use my original username as it always tells me my username/password are invalid. I have sent loads of emails and even phoned up but nothing happens.
I never have to log on.
have you been bad????
o m g

poor gravy

tates the **** xxxxxxxxxxxx

bad luck good job you have another name or names aint it xxxxxx
Are you the right Gravitate?
Question Author
hello green grav ya im the real gravitate
another greenie to be pitied - eh grvitate
Whose banned you? Do you mean AB?
AB banned one of my questions a long long time ago.
Don't understand what I did really wrong.
I only gave a few answers to a certain crossword.
Question Author
hi ya AB banned me. i didnt do anything wrong! i been on this site for 2 years man. the tw@ta

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omg the ******* have banned me

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