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I'm leaving my wife, kids and Answerbank

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4GS | 19:27 Fri 16th May 2008 | ChatterBank
5 Answers
To go to the pub for a few G+T's then maybe a Kebab..... no, stuff it, I'll have a fish n chips instead
See y'all tomorrow :-)


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Night night john, don't stay out too late you may end up sleeping in the wendy house :(
Night John -im jammied up but fancy going out now -dilemna lol

night 4GS
hi john
have a lvly evening

hi dris hows you these days

thanks for answer on k/l thread but the
cb mods answer has dissapeared stange isy very strange

lol xxxxxxx
Hey hun -long time no see -we seem to be on at different times.

Hitting the voddie yet?

That man still being a pain in the ass?

Chico -ring bearer at Knobbys wedding?


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I'm leaving my wife, kids and Answerbank

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