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4GS | 11:49 Thu 22nd May 2008 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
Don't take a drink of coffee whilst reading this question: Question568971.html

Excuse me while I turn my laptop upside down and drain the coffee out of it


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What's wrong John??

Never had rabbit I take it?

It tastes just like chicken and apparently in Spain it is a delicacy.
Dont mention the chickens
Morning all ;)

I've had rabbit and it didn't taste like chicken to me!

I did think it was funny, obviously yer rabbit will be cheaper at butchers and you wont have to kill and skin it


Happy daze

Bb xx

Question Author
It tastes nothing like chicken, squirrles taste like chicken,

I was on about the question, it made my lol when I got to the bit about the pet shop, not a good idea when your about to swallow a gobfull of coffee
O man -the tears are streaming down my face -that was hilarious - the moles and the spade lol -run out of bullets PMSL -think that may have been down to 4get and Goody -o dear -glad you warned me John lol

BTW -they do eat rabbit a lot in Spain and cos i was starving one night I had no option but to accept my neighbours kind offer of rabbit casserole (late flight -no provisions) and it was delicious -dont know about the squirrels -prefer a mole myself once they have been hosed out and battered over head -fit nicely on a BBQ !!!
you couldve warned me not to drink coffee when reading law-drop-out as well :(
apparently one in three woman have rabbits....

not 100% sure what there meant...
wot rubbish eyebrows

you dont know what womens rabbits are?

Check out Ann Summers

As if

Bb xx
ive got a rabbit but would not want to eat it dont know where its been lol

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