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4getmenot | 18:08 Thu 05th Jun 2008 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
I am sposed to be going for tea round my blokes mates tonight. I saw his misses at weekend and she has the mankiest teeth going, Not brown or anything but thick scaley orange. How am I going to manage my tea?


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Just imagine all the fine food she has eaten for them to get in a state like that -should get a good plate of grub !!
Welll tuck in and be on your best behaviour.
Im sure if you are youll get another invite.

Best of luck .
yuk. you never know she might give her teeth abit of a scrap and throw it in the pot for flavour, rather you than me lol
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what if she's one of those people that taste their meal then put spoon back in pan
Im sure her cheesey pasta and chips will be lovely.
Followed by fruit cocktail and tip top eh ?

Does she look like jim royale?
LOL, have a nice evening, put your coolest shades on and try not to look at the teeth

Good luck
what she cooking you nice? scaley beans on toast
Good luck 4get, I know her, she just sent me this pic she had done last week. enjoy your food but whatever you do, don't put your tounge in her mouth. h.jpg
urghhhh Ray thats 'orrible lol
Euuww 4get , just don't make her laugh and hope that she chews with her mouth firmly closed . Rather you than me lass xxxxxx

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