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banjobabe | 12:52 Sat 07th Jun 2008 | ChatterBank
5 Answers
Do people insist on swearing on their childrens lives?

Do they think that people are more likely to believe what they are saying if they say this?

Is there ANY likelihood that the children will be struck down if they are lying?

And would they do it if there was?

I have always found this a bit odd.

Opinions please....

Bb xx


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I have to swear on my cats lives as I don't have kids.
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Hey tigger ;)

I don't swear on anyone's life, as how would you feel if they actually dropped down dead?

I guess its just an expression but it is one that drives me mad.

Prob coz I'm an old git


Bb xx
I was just joking. lol

I usually use the phrase "I swear on my life" without even realising it sometimes. Its just one of those phrases you pick up as a kid I guess.
I can't stand it when people do that. Also when they spit on someones horrid!!!
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