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Mudd 12788 FT

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puldi | 18:43 Sat 07th Jun 2008 | Quizzes & Puzzles
7 Answers
11 d. Ghastly music as boy reached up to be caught by sword 5,7. 5d Physical state is not cut into rocks 12 Fifth letter T Thanks as ever Puldi


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5d Constitution - anag (rocks) 'is not cut into'
Question Author
Many thanks. I really should have got that!
Do you have any letters for 11d?
Question Author
Yes. the second letter is A, and in the second word
the third letter is C and I think the last is E, but I am not sure about that.
Good luck! Puldi
Danse macabre DanSe is French spelling and is right )
...............excuse me butting in Puldi.........but.......thank you Novalis.........I've been stuck on that one as well :o)
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Great stuff Novalis and Lie-in King.
. I am glad I am not the only one Builder.

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Mudd 12788 FT

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