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abers who dont reply :-(

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dustypuss | 16:02 Thu 12th Jun 2008 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
doesnt it just naff you off when you give a answer in say (Travel or music )

and the Aber who asked the question doesnt have the courtesy to reply with a thank you !


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yes it winds me up, especially in some sections where the answer is a suggestion of what may solve it and a lot of people will continue to give answers when the problem may have already been sorted by an earlier answer.
yes or someone only gives the right answer stars. If I give them out I give one to them for at least trying
there are no answers at present
LOL @ spaced. Wish I'd thought of that.
Sorry Dustypuss, many thanks for any answers you have given me in my posts!!

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thank you
It's a bit like when you are driving and you let someone out and they don't acknowledge you - aaarrrggghhh!!!!!
I don't mind not getting a thankyou, but sometimes in the Pets section when someone says that their pet is really ill (and lots of people give advice on what it could be or what to do), it is frustrating when the questioner doesn't let you know how the animal is.
Similarly when someone asks what they should do in a certain sitaution, it is nice to know what they decided and what the outcome was.
Spaced very 3ightyish i must6say.

Nice to see you keeping the torch burning .


Haha!! I've just realised my faux pas in the Love Actually thread! Sorry!!!

Thank you for any questions of mine you've answered too :)
Yeah, it used to bother me, especially in Q + P, but lots of questioners (is that a word?) put "thanks in advance" after their post, so I guess that covers it x
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thank again
Also annoys me when a number of people put a different answer and you never get to find out which one was right. Like that blinking model pattern silhouette one????
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4getmenot please explain more as i have know idaer what you are on about
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abers who dont reply :-(

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