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Did you see the Apprentice last night

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-gem- | 16:54 Thu 12th Jun 2008 | ChatterBank
18 Answers
We thought it was strange that Sir Alan hired a bare-faced liar. What do you think?


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Ive posted somewhere else lol

A farce the lot of it, they were all inept
arent all good sale people liars? As in thay chat sh1te to sell you anything? Look at Michael, not only a liar but a cheat also.

I was glad he won over Helen "I look like Ricky Gervais" Speight
Obviously saw a bit of himself in the guy.

And i hear 10 million watched it last night.
Not bad viewing figures.

I am really surprised, as I was rooting for Claire!!!

He is a liar and as for that pterodactyl thing, what was that about!!!!!
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My boyfriend is in sales but I don't think he lies for a living-does he?
I saw the guy on BBC this morning and he says he learned from his mistake. But it wasn't a mistake, was it?
No it was deliberate.

I think he would have killed his fellow apprentices if it was necessary!!!!
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I found him quite attractive though, nice blue eyes!
Why would you even put down a course that u hadnt completed?

Thats what Im talkin abbbaaaahhhhhtttttttt

I wouldnt trust them with a paper round
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I think he said '2 years but not completed' on his CV when he was there for 4 months. But in the interview he said 'I was there for 2 years'. You can't make a mistake about that kind of thing.
I'm surprised that Sir Alan was happy to be seen hiring such a dishonest person. I'm sure his aides objected. Come to think of it, they weren't seen much in the final decision process.
no, dont know, nothing
I'm actually glad he won.... I wanted him to win over claire and the others. Helene was just annoying.
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I am not sure how Helene succeeds in the business world, she seems to be arrogant, abrasive and rude. When you go for an interview you do not swear.
Glad he won. Claire's a loud mouth and she'll have plenty more opportunities.
And Alex, the himbo was lying through his teeth about who's idea the dual bottle was, claiming all the glory, before having to admit the fact that it was the designer and not his team who first came up with the idea.

There was a remarkable amount of bare facing lying by contestants throughout the series, not clever when it is all captured on film.

Claire deserved it, but Lee needed it more.
gem I agree about Helene's swearing, I couldnt believe it, why would she do that?????????

Has Sr'alan ever hired a woman in The Apprentice? As last year he hired that twerp, who's name I cant even recall, over Christine who was definitely the better candidate (imo).

I think its all a FIX.
there was that Michelle woman who beat Ruth Badger... well, he had to pick a woman that time...
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It makes pretty good telly but I think it's very bad for business:
-cooperate with people just while you need them, then stab them very hard in the back as soon as you can.
-Become as big and as rich a boss as possible, so you can make rude and personal degrading remarks to and about impressionable young people.
It's horrible. All the worst aspects of business Britain and they're being used as an example. Thankfully the law is catching up with this kind of behaviour.

There was a girl hired, a blonde one, who got pregnant by an indian contestant, but miscarried. She left Sugar after not too long.
Oh thanks, I must have missed that series, wonder where the heck I was for 12 weeks??????

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Did you see the Apprentice last night

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