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What is it .....................................................

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banjobabe | 23:42 Thu 26th Jun 2008 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
that teenage girls do to tweezers

that renders them completely


Bb xx


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shouldnt this be in body and soul?

" I think theres something funny going on here "
BB - and grown women :(
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you're tellin ME where I should be posting


I dont think so

Happy daze

Bb xx
Question Author
Oh and for gods sake don't let your other half get anywhere near them



and I DON'T want to know what THEY do with them

Bb xxx
i have to hide mine just leave old ones in bath room ,,,
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lol sleepy

me too

and it works

Bb xx
and if i dont put them back in same place as i keep them all the time .i go mad thinking some one has took them lol
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oh god

were we separated at birth


Bb xx
how sad are we lol tweezers that cost about 3 pound ..i have my eye brows waxed so dont really need them ...
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yes but,

they're not just tweezers are they?

they are tweezers that work when that bl00dy stray hair appears - wots that all about!

few and far between

Bb xx
nothing like a new pair !,,,how excitng to pull a hair out ,,,
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Bb xx
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