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Me oh my...

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jennyjen02 | 22:03 Wed 25th Jun 2008 | Relationships & Dating
2 Answers
There's this boy and we are really good friends. We're both still in school, but I'll be leaving soon, and he's staying another year.

We are such good friends and know eachother so well, so of course I have to see the worst sides of him, the sides that no one else sees. Everyday, I have to watch him be lovely to everyone but me. I've always put up with it, but it's really starting to get me down. Along with this, he also says that he will forget me over the holidays and our friendship will drift apart. I don't want to give the wrong impression - we are such good friends, and have such a laugh together and he can be a really amazing friend.

He says he doesn't get emotionally attached to people, and so won't miss me. I don't think he really appreciates how good a friend to him I have been (not that I'm desperate for recognition, but I'd never treat him the way he sometimes treats me). He's made me cry a lot recently, and although he says sorry, he can't really help but do it again!

Our friendship was never so emotional before as it is just now, and it's completely on my part. I just worry too much... He's been the cause of all of my worries for weeks now, and I really really don't want to have to say goodbye to him.

Is it time to let go? Do we think the lyrics "you don't know what you've got till it's gone" are really true? Because right now, the only thing keeping me going is the thought that if I take a break from him, he will realise what he is missing. I know I deserve a lot more and he isn't worth this worry, he has said so himself.

When i take this harsh approach of telling him that he doesn't deserve me, he becomes so much nicer. Ahhh it's so hard to explain a friendship in one posting! Wow, this is a bit of an essay...

I suppose that what I really want to know is, from experience, would you say that he will realise what he is missing? I'm his only really good friend,


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He doesn't much sound a like a good friend to me, as trust, admiration, care and support work both ways in a true friendship.

If you want to remain associated (I won't call it friends) with this selfish individual, then just keep putting up with it the way it is. If you want to teach him a lesson, then break it off and see which way he turns. Ditto, if you are just fed up with his selfish and immature personality.

The risk is you may lose this association or he may forget about you as he has said. But in reality if he does forget you, at least you can move on and find some genuine friends. If he decides that he misses you and wants you as a friend then it needs to be on equal terms. Presume you just want him as a friend?

Like you said, its not that he doesn't derserve you, but that you don't derserve to be treated like this. Get out and make some propoer friends that you can rely on.
It sounds to me like you have always read more into your association with this guy than was ever there.

You are not good friends especially not his "only good friend" as much as you would like to beleive it. You are seriously deluded. He just ins't into you and that is never going to change no matter what you do.

A break away from him and a chance to broaden your horizons is the very best thing for you. Put him out of your mind and get on with your life.

There a a lot of other fish in the sea and many ot them are a lot better catch than him. However you will frighten them away if you don't get over your obsessive behaviour.

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