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my evening

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bobtheturkey | 22:23 Fri 04th Jul 2008 | ChatterBank
3 Answers
darts on tv, horliks and a bit of maid created apple tart, doesnt get any better


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Oi bob I bet your question above you gets more answers than my queistion doss .
A tenner on yours beating mine then
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no knobs you will win whiffey will come on and say how incredibly dull i am and reduce me to tears which will precede the boycotting of my post, i can hear them talking about me on facebook to the extent i have had to put frozen peas on my ears
Bob just put the darts on...but watchin Predator now......

Has The Power lost a lot of weight...he looks a bit gaunt...I fear he may not be his true foghting weight

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my evening

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