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Four glassess in an hour......

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Ice.Maiden | 00:02 Sat 05th Jul 2008 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
I've beaten my own record! What about everyone else?


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What about what?
WE have ben surprised by that icey.

Are you kneeeling simpering and nymph like?

Oh anyone got a sickbag incase theres any nausea ??

oooh la laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

diddy this help

Hey Icy. Ive only had 2 glasses so far. Its a rather nice Chardonnay i got as a thankyou from one of my students.
well done ice, i just spent 2 hours in pub and finished half glass of coke, how about that?
That means I have some catching up to do........then maybe AB will look more interesting than it does now!

beat me iv had nowt the night

oh well
wanna share a glass or 2 with me xxxxxxx

how you doing today then
was just thinking about you 5mins ago xxx
Bonush nocerous icy and how are you this evening my little snowy person
Question Author
LOL!!! It IS a bit slow - but then, later on........

No leggy - never simpering, never nymph-like, but the sick bags might be a good idea! Oh well - hic! x

That was a nice gesture, HK! hope the next two are as pleasant for you. x

Lol @ mirela! Hope that's because you you want to keep a clear head, and not because you're stoney broke! x

Keep up pasta! Here - catch this bottle. Don't drop it!!!!! x
you old hens cant drink


oooh la laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

diddy this help

I need to keep a clear head for Commemoration day tomorrow so i`ll prob just have another one(maybe two).



oooh la laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

diddy this help

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Four glassess in an hour......

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