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bms | 15:05 Fri 04th Jul 2008 | Health & Fitness
3 Answers
I am a musician, I would like to keep my voice as up/good as possible.
Any advice on what to and not to do. Type of foods I should get myself accustomed to, or any ideas are welcome. Thank You


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You should try and cut out dairy produce if you can - particularly milk and cheese becase they stimulate (sorry about this!) mucus production in your system.

Try and keep away from smoke, drink a lot of water, and basically eat a healthy diet and get good exercise and sleep.

The voice is just a part of the body, if you maintian the whole thing, then your voice will benefit.

If you don't have training, try and get some diaphram exercies - a book or tutorial on acting and voice projection will belp you to use your diaphragm rarther than sing through your throat wihich will wreck itself in about two days.

Hope this helps.
Just to add a wee note to Andy's excellent answer.
My singing teacher told me(and still tells me!),
Never sing before noon.
This just means never warm up or sing before noon,assuming you get up around 8 to 9am,you can speak etc but don't use the vocal chords for singing before then.It gives the chords time to get back "into shape" after not being used(hopefully) all night.
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I thank You alot. As my studio date is on 19th July 2008, I think that by then I'll be okey.
I'll shall do all your suggestions


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