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suba | 13:24 Sat 12th Jul 2008 | Quizzes & Puzzles
9 Answers
44a, Group of youg British men who were conscripted to work in coal mines in the UK from 1934-48 (5-4)
Is it Bevan Boys or Bevin Boys


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the answer is bevin boys suba
Both spellings are interchangeable.
Definitely Bevin Boys
Question Author
Thank you all for your help. Google gives them both as correct.
Google only shows you what somebody has put on a website. If they show incorrect information that is what google shows you.
the coal miners were the idea of Ernest Bevin, Churchill's Minister of Labour and National Service in the wartime cabinet
thus they came to be called The Bevin Boys - the only other Minister (in Atlee's government) was Aneurin Bevin. I dont think the name Bevan appeared anywhere
Bevin and Bevan were two different people and spelt differently. The one you want is (Enest BevIN), whose idea it was. (Aneurin) BevAN was the health minister who introduced the NHS.
1960 is spot on - believe me. They are not the same people and not interchangeable.
Top Cat 2 and 1960 are quite correct. Bevin and Bevan were different people...both Labour ministers.

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