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So & So quiz

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vicmarion | 13:50 Wed 06th Aug 2008 | Quizzes & Puzzles
7 Answers
I know this quiz has a while to go before it has to be sent off but I have noticed a few questions being asked - the most general one being 56. Pest in the garden but very attractive generally. I think I have a good answer for it if anybody wants to know my thoughts.
I also hope that you foot is better soon smouse.
Still have a lot of answers to find on the above quiz but will carry on trying for a while.


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I have got an answer as well but i'm not sure about it as it is in the plural and the question say's pest not pests.
Early on there were some corrections posted by the setter. I don't know if this was one.
Question Author
My answer is in the plural as well.
I did pick up the corrections but this was not on the list.
Oh missed that bit - back to the drawing board then as mine is plural

Thanks for the good wishes
With hubby on his crutch and me limping along beside him we make a whole between us - lol

Question Author
Assume you mean you did not pick up on the corrections smouse.
36. should be 1982
19. " " 7,6
81. " " 5,4
92. " " leporidae not Lupus
Dont know why but I have put 11,9 for 43. but I have an answer which goes with the 7,9. Heigh Ho back to the drawing board.
If it helps, the answer is in the plural, sorry my mistake. However have had four completed sheets back already and they seem to have coped with these minor errors ok, so I'm sure you'll all do just fine.... Like I said before will have to give my checker the sack, again!!
I had coped with the other mistakes so dont worry it was just that one

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