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Olympics :-) :-(

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dustypuss | 18:33 Fri 08th Aug 2008 | ChatterBank
4 Answers
do you love them or

do you hate them

which sport do you think is the daftest

or the

most interesting !!


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Won't have time to watch most of it but if I watch anything it'd be the gymnastics, equestrian events and maybe diving.

I'd say the most interesting for me would be the gymnastics.

Not really the daftest but least likely to watch the wrestling or boxing.

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sword fencing must be the most boring
Like the track and field best but will also watch gymnastics and the diving to see this young lad we have competing
What did Hamlet say when he was contemplating watching the horse events at the Olympics?

To be or not to be, that is the equestrian!

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Olympics :-) :-(

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