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4getmenot | 16:28 Mon 18th Aug 2008 | ChatterBank
39 Answers
armylad has gone, and I was in mid conversation with redcrx about minature horse bits :-)


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Only the post has been removed 4getmenot, not the username.
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its in proportion but its still huge :-)
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I'm not really that bothered about the username matrod
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There is a toddler now riding it, how cute, even if he is a pikey
sorry, just letting you know. No need to bite my head off. If you were not bothered, why posting a thread dedicated to it?

Cheer up!
I liked armylad and hope he is back soon.
Lol 4get
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That wasn�t biting your head off was merely saying I�m not bothered and my post was about my conversation going missing on his post. I;m not having a go, don�t take things to heart. I hardly need cheering up when I am laughing about horse bits now do I?
lol true
well you would- wouldn't you whiffy?

Idiots generally stick together
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Oooh another greenie, You're so brave
4get . . . . Yes I am greenie - but also genuine ones replies from now on then?.....

Yeh right.......till they come back know the ones who only come on during 'work life'....... :-))
Sir Doctor Idiot to you A.Guest.

I have a Ph.D AND a Lotus Exige.
and that what Whiffs?......makes ya dick bigger?.......your lies more believable......or just ya curry's hotter?......... :-))
All of those, and more.

It tickles me - "yes I am a greenie, but also genuine"

Load of rubbish, still green and hiding. Come out and play fairly.
yeh...why dont ya...?
whiffy. I know what my name means, but yours certainly gives room for thought. I do not understand what you mean. 'Play fairly'. Is this supposed to be a game - or what.? And joby, didn't you say no more posts from now on?. Well, I have had quite an introduction to AnswerBank .

I only registered on this site this afternoon. and I now only have one more answer in the next 60 hours. Probably won't use it anyway, not sure you are worth it.

Mon 18/08/08

And joby, didn't you say no more posts from now on?. Well, I have had quite an introduction to AnswerBank .

Mon 18/08/08
17:05 ones replies from now on then?.....

did ya see my ? mark after that A.Guest?....never

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