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Sachs | 20:36 Wed 20th Aug 2008 | ChatterBank
75 Answers
1. Qualities you find attractive in the opp. sex?
2. Which perfume/ aftershave are you wearing at the moment?
3. Your interests away from work?
4. Type of book you are interested in?
5. How would you spend your perfect day?


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Sod off jayne :0)
No cazzz, I was looking at your..........

goddamm it!!!!!!
sods off ...

but stays close enough to see her lappy screen


Question Author
Don't you dare!!! xxx
1. Qualities you find attractive in the opp. sex?
Sense of humour, kindness, "smiling" eyes, rugby-player type body.....(swooooooooon!)

2. Which perfume/ aftershave are you wearing at the moment?
Hypnotic poison, Dior

3. Your interests away from work?
Reading (lots and lots!), pubbing, travelling

4. Type of book you are interested in?
Thrillers, modern "scary" (King, Koontz...), Modern fiction (esp. John Irving)

5. How would you spend your perfect day?
Go clothes and shoe shopping, stop for a pub lunch, more shopping, take in a gig, then more pub!
Oooh a quiz :)

1. Qualities you find attractive in the opp. sex?

Someone who is kind and makes me laugh.

2. Which perfume/ aftershave are you wearing at the moment?

Christian Dior Addict and Pure Poison

3. Your interests away from work?

Anything animal related, especially riding, photography and sketching,

4. Type of book you are interested in?

I love some of the old classics like Pride & Prejudice and Wuthering Heights.

5. How would you spend your perfect day?

A nice long hack, preferably along the coast, stopping for a lovely pub lunch out in the sunshine then a hack back, tea and cake then a pampering session then a nice dinner with friends and a good movie or going to see a show or ballet or theatre.
Still here, troughing my Chinese takeaway, and getting merrily ... er ... merry.

J x
See! Eh....see....... max understands :-)
Question Author
Shoe fetish anonymous!!! ;0))
Forget the opposite sex ... I wanna shag max !!!
I'm scared!!!! lol
1. sense of humour
2. none
3. I read loads, watch films, bob online
4. horror, supernatural, vampire, zombie, alien ones (sometimes all in the same book lol)
5. Relaxing with my family :)
1. Sense of humor
2. Vanilla bean Bath and Body Works
3. Visiting friends, reading, TV, AB, Playing with my niece and goddaughter
4. Right now, popular light literature
5. At the beach
1 big knockers
2 none
3 footie
4 fraud
5 in a lap dancing club watching the footie out the corner of my eye
1) lovely smile and nice teeth

2) D&G, The one

3) My kids and my man

4) Anything thats non-fictional

5) Sitting counting my lottery winnings and deciding what I would do with them!

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