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Not been on here a lot ..

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theonlyone | 17:38 Wed 20th Aug 2008 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
so wondered if Bigmamma was ok ?
I've not had time to post early as i've
been diong my carer bit ..but the old
boy I care for is going in to a nursing
home as he's not a well bunny ...
It will be a sad day for me ..but a good one
for him as he'll have 24/7 care ....


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BM's on holiday in Cornwall with her sister. She posted a few days ago and shes fine.
hi theonlyone, I hope he is okay, I have not seen mamma on here much (I have not been on much myself either) although she was fleetingly on facebook
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Thanks for that info ...hope she's having
good weather !!!
Hi tonly its me from da sarf coast of engerlund

Nowts changed here

Hope ur ok dokey ?


as you can see still a load of cretins :-) Thats really sweet of you to ask about bigmamma I'm sure she'll be pleased she's missed x
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Once i've got things sorted i will post
in the mornings ..not on cretin time shift !!!
It will be nice to see you back in the mornings theonlyone
Took the thoughts out of my head theonlyone, glad you asked about Bigmamma. I haven't been able to browse much, laptop keeps disappearing to son's flat! but do notice when such friendly regulars are missing, glad she's ok and also hope you draw comfort in knowing your old boy will have appreciated your kindness.

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Not been on here a lot ..

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