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Don't you hate it when

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-gem- | 03:00 Thu 28th Aug 2008 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
You're sitting on a plane and you're going to your destination but the baggage compartment behind you is leaking a bit and someone has put mushroom soup there and it drips down onto someone and it so happens that that person is allergic to mushroom soup and so they balloon up like a big mushroom and there is a flight emergency and the plane has to be diverted and land as quickly as possible.
Yeah, I HATE it when that happens.


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been hitting the magic MUSHROOMS gem?
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It just happened.
Question Author
You think I'm kidding.
Well-it must be a 1-in-a-million occurence....just your luck-eh?
Hope you aren't the one the soup landed on!

On that note..nite from me!!
Question Author
well i wuz thinking about need some soup to drop, not any soup, mushroom soup. How often does that happen? About 1/30,000 flights. Then you need someone on that flight allergic to mushroom soup on their skin. How often does that happen? 1/10,000 flights. Then they need to be in that specific seat, right under the dripping soup: 1/200 seats.

One in 60 BILLION chance.

So if you're in court and the Expert DNA witness says 'We have a DNA match, the chances of it being another person with the same DNA are 1/60 Billion', your reply is 'Are they allergic to mushroom soup?'

Just happened couple of days ago.

I bet he feels unlucky as f*ck now. LOL.

'Window seat or aisle seat?'


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Night pasta. Can't believe I'm still up. Not tired enough for bed.
I suggest that you mention, in Soto voice, this bizarre happening to my good friend, and student, Stephen King: knowing him, he would take a flight of fancy and stir this premise into of yours into a a very dark best cellar.
Question Author
Holy crap, can you write or what? omg!

It ain't my premise, it just happened!

Also this just in:


A plane was forced to make an emergency landing in Germany after two British women tried to open a cabin door mid-flight, police have said.

The women, aged 26 and 27, were drinking heavily and had to be held in their seats by security staff until the plane landed in Frankfurt.

They were arrested and released after two hours, Frankfurt police said.

The XL Airways plane was flying from the Greek island of Kos to Manchester when Wednesday's incident happened.

An airline spokeswoman said the women were thought to have been smoking in the plane's toilet, and were suspected of bringing their own alcohol on board.

She said they had started to swear at and threaten staff who refused to sell them any more alcohol from the bar.

The women had then said they wanted to open the door to get "some fresh air" into the plane.


The women had then said they wanted to open the door to get "some fresh air" into the plane.


I've been drunk but never THAT drunk. Yeah, bit stuffy on this plane, open the doors a bit!!!
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omg 'sad or seductive mushroom' lol

So much crazy stuff on the internet!
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It's so sad, apparently he was a really fun guy.
MWAAAAAAHAHAHAHHAAA!!! ^^^^^^^^^^^....truly bizarre!!!

Nite x (for real this time)
Question Author

A spokeswoman for Ryanair said the jar contained "a vegetable oil/mushroom soup type substance".



Mushroom soup with oil in it!!!!!!!!

What is a 'mushroom soup type substance?'

Other than mushroom soup?

Who are these people?

I'm off too, night pasta! x
Sorry, gem;
I really thought that you were being a little strange (we're used to it around here). However, I read your link, and that's a little bit out of the ordinary. Nice talking to you: g'night.

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Don't you hate it when

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