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Things that men are instinctively attracted to...

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lovefoolb4u | 02:55 Mon 01st Sep 2008 | Body & Soul
36 Answers
I read an article AGES ago that said what men are naturally attracted to, but can't remember what they were! I know that big eyes and long hair were two of them, but can't remember the rest.

Anyone have any ideas as to what men find subconsciously attractive in a woman?


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Can look trashy or classy, depending on what the woman's dressed in - or not!!

Night for now. x
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there was something else which was meant to be a sign of fertility? might have been big breasts or something, i actually can't remember!

is rosy cheeks another one?
fertility manifested by higher levels of oestrogen which shows in shape,smoother skin bigger eyes ,fuller lips, smaller noses and bigger breasts
Good grief, I wish it was just long hair and big eyes, I'd have them Qing! LOL
I think big eyes is one of the main ones, Lakitu (and everyone).

Isn't it that men are subconsciously attracted to women who have features like babies (eg big eyes) because it registers with mens' protective instincts (for those men who have them!)

So where's the Q of men for me?? LOL
-- answer removed --
None of the above. It's the SMILE every time.
Genetically, men are programmed to reproduce, so theu are attracted to women who look like they will be good child-bearers, and that usually means big breasts and hips, for bearing and feeding a baby.

Because we are more 'civilised', we hope that a lot of these instinctive urges are sublimated into more subtle attracttions.

As for the idea that women paint their lips to look like labia, that is some nonsense dreamed up by a geneticist (man of course!) and has been laughed at regularly since.

Next week - how lemmings commit suicide!
Interesting-some of this was covered last night on telly in a program on sculpture.
The most famous piece of sculpture is a prehistoric one called the Venus of Willendorf.......she is seen as a fertility figure with exagerrated hips,thighs and boobs.......definitely things that will attract the male.
Isn't this a bit stereotypical this? I mean men can be attracted to anything, and it's not always the same

Everyone is different so you can't just say that a man is attracted to a woman's arse, because that might not be true for every man
Lov3shy ...

You are correct. But you are talking about social conditioning.

This thread is about genetic programming.

eg ...

Socially, I feel that in the 21st Century, I should like a man with a nice personality and a good sense of humour.

But ...

My genes (pre programmed in prehistoric days) force me to be attracted to ...

Good looking men (so my children will be good looking)

With big shoulders and arms (so he can defend our family)

And a muscular arse (so he will run fast, and catch food)

And a big, stiff todger (so that he will reproduce well and make little versions of me)

Sorry, but that's just the way it is.

well i love long shapely legs in a very short skirt, high heels, lots of cleavage on show, long blond hair and a beautiful face.
"Little versions of you, JJ, isn't one Joggerjayne enough for Planet Earth to cope with"?

(Hastily reconsiders chat-up line after seeing how attractive to all male members of human race J.J. is)
Your recent post made me laugh JoggerJayne.

But,I agree with you!!!
The thing that attracts me most in a lady is actually her personality and good looks.

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