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Stars that shouldnt be together

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puddicat | 16:29 Mon 08th Sep 2008 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
For starters

Richard Maddeley and Judy Finnegan


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I think they are quite sweet. I'd go for Blake and Amy winebar. kerry katona and her bloke but then he's not really a celebrity. Paul Daniels and debbie magee
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Think richard and judy have the oedipus complex lol!!!
Mrs.Merton asking Debbie McGee "So Debbie,what first attracted to you the millionaire Paul daniels" was a classic comedy moment!.pmsl
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daffy he his advertising some insurance company at the mo!!!
I agree, Richard and Judy definitely! They used to look ok togather and then all of a sudden Judy looked about 20 years older! Bless.
If that advert comes on TV I change channel puddicat,I can't abide the man. Its Tesco Insurance btw :-)
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She has had somework done i think if you look at some old footage, her teeth are different, and if she twiddles that bloody cross on her neck one more time arrgh!!!
Ha so he managed to hypnotise you then daffy lol
Its not just him but all TV or stage "magicians" of his ilk that wind me up! It is so cheesy and even as a child I saw straight through them.Paul Daniels just happens to be hideously ugly too. lol
Yer he wasn�t ever good looking was he :-) I cant fault him for wizbit though lol
i loved that Merton quote.
Richard and Judy fighting made up, imho.

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Stars that shouldnt be together

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