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nannon | 16:36 Wed 10th Sep 2008 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
i feel like skank after just seeing my hairbrush!
What is the best way orf cleaning it?! Its actually quite vile....all hair and hairspray and god know what. Its plastic so i'm guessing it will come clean? Its from quite a good set so sont really want to chuck it without trying first!


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Get a comb & comb the bulk off from in between the teeth. Wash in soapy water.
Hey, nannon. Gross, isn't it? Use an old toothbrush and shampoo. :)
you hairbrush cant have been as bad as mine, I looke down other day where I had left it on floor near back of chimney and their was a meal worm maggoty thing wrapped round bristles. Eeeeuuuugh
I remove all hair from my hairbrushes then boil them in a saucepan to remove all product residue and to sterilise them,my hairdresser actually advised me to use this method.
eurghhhhhhh 4get.........
well just as well I spotted it. hairbrush went straight in bin
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Thank you for your answers!!
I am actually quite disgusted with myself!

Boil it?? But it's plastic? Will it not melt?
ok boil kettle and poor it over brush in a bowl
I have never melted a plastic hairbrush yet and i've been boling them for years.They are usually fairly heat resistant as they have to stand up to hairdryer heat.
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Ah right ok - thank you! Oh i'm quite excited about doing it when i get home!

...Hmmm....should probably get out more......!
Hairspray is great for potting new grips on your mountain bike.

It's all wet and runny, so you can slide them on, and then it dries hard and sticky.


I get all bits of hair out using a comb, then stand them in a bowl or jug of hot soapy water overnight, use my son's baby shampoo. Then I use a toothbrush or cotton bud to clean in between and rinse them before letting them dry naturally. I pplanned to do this the other day, but I forgot to take the jug off the side of the bath and while I was trying to get ready in the kitchen, my little boy wandered into the bathroom, started tooting around and knocked the jug over.

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