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dabees | 01:03 Sat 13th Sep 2008 | ChatterBank
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I recently split from a wonderful young lady, i know it was for the best, but i can't get her from my mind.

I tend to deal with it via music, how do you all manage to cope?

This is the song i used, even if it hasn't worked....

Those that know me will understand....


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Lol @ chappie!!!!
Mr Nose, I just saw a pig fly over my house! Sadly it landed on your llama .......
dabees...forgive me I only heard the first few bars (enuf for me, 'tis not my sync). It sounds like you have a heartache for your partner. Tell her....request the music on FM or such.

Absence makes the heart grow fonder.....she may miss you persevere with her if that's what you want. Hope you find happiness.
You could always turn the pig into "head cheese" - which is really a meat (terrine) and not a chese at all - but near enough!
: )
Hey Ice - "head cheese?" Splutter!!!!!!

tut tut, chappie should wash her mouth out with soap! Ewwwwwww!!!!!
Dither!!!!! Euurrrgh!!!!! Lol!!

Yes - but there really IS a thing known as "head cheese". Rofl - it's this meaty stuff, known as head cheese, made from the heads of pigs!!!
Ice, it sounds revolting!

Lol at the YouTube video Mr Nose!!!

I think I'll be heading for bed soon, so I will post one more favourite Snow Patrol song which I like.
Chasing Cars by Snow Patrol

this guy likes his horse cheese...
i kissed a llama and i liked it.... it smelled like cherry cheese....

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